المعاير الأكادميه

7- The Competences of The Graduate

According to the National Academic Reference Standard, the program competences are classified into three categories: General competences (Level C), Specialty Competences (Level CR), and Sub-Specialty (Level CS). The program used to have a benchmark to detect the specific competencies of the program, and the program of the faculty of engineering-Ain sham university as shown in appendix 6 is chosen to be the reference as the quality assurance agency has declared it. Moreover, the program studied the specific competencies chosen and modified them to detect the utilized competencies. Furthermore, in appendix 7, Matrix (1) declares the contribution between the competencies of the program and that of NARS 2018

For electrical power engineering program, and in light of NARS 2018, the program competences are categorized into three categories as follows:

General competences of the engineer of the institute (C):

  • Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying engineering fundamentals, basic science and mathematics.
  • Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation and/or simulation, analyze and interpret data, assess and evaluate findings, and use statistical analyses and objective engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • Apply engineering design processes to produce cost-effective solutions that meet specified needs with consideration for global, cultural, social, economic, environmental, ethical and other aspects as appropriate to the discipline and within the principles and contexts of sustainable design and development.
  • Utilize contemporary technologies, codes of practice and standards, quality guidelines, health and safety requirements, environmental issues and risk management principles.
  • Practice research techniques and methods of investigation as an inherent part of learning.
  • Plan, supervise and monitor implementation of engineering projects, taking into consideration other trades requirements.
  • Function efficiently as an individual and as a member of multi-disciplinary and multicultural teams.
  • Communicate effectively – graphically, verbally and in writing – with a range of audiences using contemporary tools.
  • Use creative, innovative and flexible thinking and acquire entrepreneurial and leadership skills to anticipate and respond to new situations.
  • Acquire and apply new knowledge; and practice self, lifelong and other learning strategies.

Specialized competencies of the electrical engineering for the program (CR)

  • Select, model and analyze electrical power systems applicable to the specific discipline by applying the concepts of generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power systems.
  • Design, model and analyze an electrical/electronic/digital system or component for a specific application; and identify the tools required to optimize this design.
  • Design and implement elements, modules, sub-systems, or systems in electrical/electronic/digital engineering using technological and professional tools.
  • Estimate and measure the performance of an electrical/electronic/digital system and circuit under specific input excitation and evaluate its suitability for a specific application.
  • Adopt suitable national and international standards and codes to design, build, operate, inspect, and maintain electrical/electronic/digital equipment, systems and services.

Sub-Specialized competencies of the electrical power engineering for the program (CS)

CS1- Design and analyze the construction of systems to generate, transmit, control and distribute systems.

CS2-Design, develop and analyze through simulations for heavy equipment (generators, motors, transmission lines, and distributing systems to interpret experimental results

CS3- Identify problems and formulate engineering solutions to manage the engineering activity during the diverse phases of electric power generation, transmission, control, and distribution systems.

CS4-Test and examine components and equipment to prepare and review simple sketches, specifications, and data sheets for electric power components of generation, transmission, control, and distribution systems.

CS5-Apply modern techniques, skills, and engineering tools while performing the development load lists, low voltage power systems, design reviews, and checks for electric power generation and distribution systems.

CS6- Review supplier documentation for compliance with specifications for electric power components of generation, transmission, control, and distribution systems.

CS7- Integrate electrical, electronic, and mechanical components and equipment with transducers, actuators, and controllers in creatively computer-controlled systems.

Matrix (1): The contribution between the graduate competencies of the program and the competencies of the graduate of NARS 2018