مخرجات التعلم

8.  The Learning Out-Comes of The Program (LOs):

The program has three domains for the learning out comes: Cognitive Domains, Psychomotor Domains, and Affective Domains. And these learning out comes are related to the competencies of the graduate as Shown in table (4):

a.     Cognitive Domains (LOs):

Lo1. Identify, formulate basic science and mathematics.

Lo2. Simulate, analyze and interpret data.

Lo3. Assess and evaluate findings.

Lo4. Use statistical analyses and objective engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

Lo5. Display global, cultural, social, economic, environmental, ethical and other aspects as appropriate to the discipline and within the principles and contexts of sustainable design and development.

Lo6. Define standards, quality guidelines, health and safety requirements, environmental issues and risk management principles.

Lo7. State the factors affecting the engineering projects.

Lo8. Define the fundamentals of engineering management.

Lo9. Identify the standard Software Engineering practices and strategies in real-time software project development using an open-source programming environment or commercial environment to deliver quality products for the organization’s success

Lo10. Identify the basic knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering in Communication Engineering field.

Lo11. Principles of for electrical equipment and systems.

Lo12. Principles of operation and performance specifications of electrical and electromechanical engineering systems.

Lo13. Explain the basic electrical power system theory.

Lo14. Merge theories and techniques for calculating short circuit, motor starting, and voltage drop in the projects.

Lo15. Explain the diverse applications of electrical power equipment.

Lo16. Explain the basic power system design concepts for underground, cable tray, grounding, and lighting systems.

Lo17. define the Basics of low voltage power systems.

Lo18. identify the principles of performing electrical system calculations, including load flow, earthling, and equipment sizing.

b.     Psychomotor Domains (LOs):

Lo19. Solve complex engineering problems and solve problems in the field of electrical and electrical power engineering.

Lo20. Apply engineering fundamentals, basic science and mathematics.

Lo21. Conduct and develop appropriate experimentation.

Lo22. Apply engineering design processes to produce cost-effective solutions that meet specified needs.

Lo23. Use contemporary technologies, codes of practice and standards, quality guidelines, health and safety requirements.

Lo24. Conduct techniques and methods of investigation as researches and reports.

Lo25. Plan, supervise and monitor implementation of engineering projects.

Lo26. Use contemporary tools to implement engineering design drawings, and presentations.

Lo27. Design and develop computer programs/computer-based systems in the areas related to algorithms, networking, web design, cloud computing, IoT and data analytics of varying complexity.

Lo28. knowledge to design and conduct experiments, analyze, synthesize and interpret the data pertaining to Communication Engineering problems and arrive at valid conclusion.

Lo29. Utilize computer program to analyze design problems and interpret numerical data and test and examine components, equipment and systems of electrical and electric power generation, control, and distribution systems.

Lo30. Integrate electrical, electronic, and mechanical components and equipment with transducers, actuators, and controllers in creatively computer-controlled systems.

Lo31. To design, simulate and practice the techniques of hardware and software tools in Power systems, Power Electronics and Renewable Energy systems.


c.      Affective Domains (LOs):

Lo32. Work efficiently as an individual and share in team works.

Lo33. Communicate to convey ideas verbally, numerically, graphically, and using symbols effectively with a range of audiences.

Lo34. Use creative, innovative and flexible thinking.

Lo35. Acquire entrepreneurial and leadership skills to anticipate and respond to new situations.

Lo36. Practice self-learning and other learning strategies.

Lo37. Acquaint with the contemporary trends in industrial/research settings and thereby innovate novel solutions to existing problems.

Lo38. Develop consciousness of professional, ethical and social responsibilities as experts in the field of  Communication Engineering.

Lo39. Show accuracy while Designing experiments, as well as analyzing and interpreting experimental results related to electrical and electrical power systems.

Lo40.Apply modern techniques, skills and engineering tools to electrical power engineering

Lo41.Work professionally in multidisciplinary concepts by integrating Electrical power Engineering with Internet of Things, Green Energy and Smart cities concepts